Saturday 10 November 2007

Post No. 029 - Protection [Content Warning: interpersonal interactions, problems, karma, life lessons, psychic attack]

I'm writing this to get it started, but will be adding more. The notes at the end of this post are significant, and I also have bundled a few links at the end as well. At this stage, my main point is probably that I want to make the case for a bit of common sense, here.

If I walk onto a railway line close in front of a train travelling at significant speed, I will get hit - if I don't get out the way. To prevent this happening, I would suggest there is a case for some sort of separation for the good of - predominantly - me. That doesn't make the train evil. If I open my aura to strong energies, energies that are stronger than my capacity to handle energies at that time and place, I may find myself experiencing the psychic equivalent of being hit by a train.

If I go overseas, I could wind up with stomach bugs and diarrhoea - perhaps because of poor hygiene practices, but - in some cases - perhaps equally because I am simply not used to the local water (it may, for instance, have a different salinity or iron concentration). In those later cases, the water is also not evil. If I try a new psychic methodology or practice that I am not familiar with, I may experience some discomfort. This is also somewhat akin to the situation of needing to develop one's psychic strength that I alluded to in the previous example, and have posted about elsewhere in this blog. That doesn't make the new practice evil, nor even mean that one shouldn't pursue it.

If I try to play classical and pop music at the same time, my ears may regret my musical inclinations. If I have an aura that is predominantly one particularly colour, I may regret the consequences of wearing a colour that clashes with it. That doesn't make either colour or music style evil.

There are actions that can best be described as evil - I consider H_tl_r, the Cultural Revolution, the apartheid regime and Robert Mugabe's current appalling regime in Zimbabwe to be examples of such. Some crimes fit into that description as well. When I say this, I am taking a harder view of evil than that expressed by M. Scott Peck in "People of the Lie", which argues that evil is (in my paraphrasing) around people trying to control others (see my post on control): I am referring to conscious, deliberate, choices. 

PS - for a more up to date version of how I view evil now (in 2024), see  

However, in the overwhelming majority of cases, protection is against things like disharmony, or one's overestimation of one's own abilities.

I have some procedures I have set out to "enshrine" a few common sense elements of establishing protection for oneself, for a group that one is part of, or for others who are not present (it is important to respect free will under those circumstances). Over the next few months I will put those into a Word flow chart (I will be doing that as part of preparing to establish the Grove of Gyhldeptis anyway), then convert them to JPEG files and upload them to this post. One of the key aspects of this is checking that whatever one has done to establish protection has actually worked: if you ask for protection, but find you are not, then you have a problem which needs to be solved before you do whatever it was you originally wanted protection for - which, on the extremely rare cases I have encountered it, was annoying, irritating and frustrating - and due to my guides wanting to make sure I would actually show some personal responsibility and check.

Because of the forthcoming uploads, I won't add a photo to this post.

The other point I wish to make is that I am as thorough and precise as I can be. Some examples of the prayers I use for protection follow. (If you use these, you don't have to read out the "See Note ..." :) ) Another one is one that I was taught more recently, when studying Correllian Wicca, and is effective as a quick prayer at any time you need it:
"There is but one power in the Universe and I am a perfect manifestation of that Power. As such, I will that the boundaries of my aura be strong and healthy, repelling all negative and unwanted energy while allowing positibe and healing energy in."

Prior to writing this post: 

at the start of each day:I ask for maximum protection, healing, guidance and white ballasting [see Note 1] from constructive forces [see Note 2] for the Highest Spiritual Good [see Note 3] for myself, my family, friends and my and their supporting units [see Note 4], and all units that will affect or be affected by us [see Note 5], in all times, places, dimensions, levels and realities [see Note 6] throughout this day until I ask for such protection again [see Note 7].

when going to sleep:
I ask for maximum protection from constructive forces for the Highest Spiritual Good for myself, my family and friends, and my and their supporting units, and all units that will affect or be affected by us, in all times, places, dimensions, levels and realities throughout this night/sleep until I ask for such protection again.

for a ritual (I combine this prayer with other work to establish - and check - protection):
I ask for maximum protection from constructive forces for the Highest Spiritual Good for myself, my family and friends, and my and their supporting units, and all units that will affect or be affected by us, in all times, places, dimensions, levels and realities throughout this working until we ask for such protection again.

After writing this post: 

at the start of each day:I ask for maximum protection from constructive forces for the Highest Spiritual Good for myself, my family, friends and others as is for the Highest Spiritual Good, and my and their supporting units, and all units that will affect or be affected by us, in all times, places, dimensions, levels and realities throughout this day until I ask for such protection again.

when going to sleep:I ask for maximum protection from constructive forces for the Highest Spiritual Good for myself, my family, friends and others as is for the Highest Spiritual Good, and my and their supporting units, and all units that will affect or be affected by us, in all times, places, dimensions, levels and realities throughout this night/sleep until I ask for such protection again.

for a ritual (I combine this prayer with other work to establish - and check - protection):I ask for maximum protection from constructive forces for the Highest Spiritual Good for myself, my family, friends and others as is for the Highest Spiritual Good, and my and their supporting units, and all units that will affect or be affected by us, in all times, places, dimensions, levels and realities throughout this working until we ask for such protection again.

Love, light, hugs and blessings


This post has no photo, as it will soon have some figures added.

Tags: protection, planes of existence, interpersonal interactions, karma, life lessons, Lobsang Rampa, love, past lives, Psychic attack, Seth,

First published: Saturday 10th November, 2007
Last edited: Saturday 1st Decmber, 2007

Note 1:
Although this request is basically for protection, my experience is that protection is more effective when it comes with a few extra add-ons (and my teaching at ASPECTS was to ask for these). Not doing so is a bit like sending a SWAT team in to rescue someone who has been kidnapped and critically injured without then providing any medical care: the organisers would look silly if they had someone saved who then had a preventable death from injuries. You may well need a small boost to your energies and state of being, which in itself would re-energise your aura and enhance the natural protection that a healthy aura can provide. Similarly, a little judicious guidance may be a case of "spend a penny, save a pound", or "a stitch in time saves nine": it's a bit like saying to someone, don't drive round that blind corner, there's a cliff round there. As a metaphysical example, consider "Don't walk through that alley, there's a cloud of depressive energy there you don't need to experience."

The term "white ballasting" is a reversal of "negative ballasting", which refers to things which tend to drain or drag one down. White ballasting is a request for things which are uplifting, healing, inspiring, constructive, etc - whether that is a shop attendant smiling, seeing the sun come out from behind some clouds, overhearing a comment which inspires one to patience or a balanced perspective, having positive thoughts forms packed into one's aura, etc.

Note 2:
Just on the off chance that some of the evil dudes (pardon my use of an Americanism) I alluded to are listening in and decide to but in and give their idea of "protection", I specify that I want the help of constructive forces. These are not necessarily all "nice, white Light" type people (the term I was originally taught to use at ASPECTS was "Divine Light Force", and I frequently still use that, but with a much broader understanding of what is "good" than when I started off a few decades ago :) ) - although they are often are. In some cases, I can best be helped by forces that some would consider "undesirable", perhaps because they focus on involutionary aspects where one's focus is on inner reflection, getting to know oneself and focusing on oneself rather than selflessly serving others (and that period will typically be followed by an outwardly focused period, much as the [Wiccan] year is divided into Light ["evolutionary"] and Dark ["involutionary"] halves).

I also consider that making such a specific request demonstrates that I am reasonably aware, and less likely to be gullible or naive (and perhaps thus deserving of better protection?).

Note 3:
Sometimes I have to go through an unpleasant experience for the benefit of my long term spiritual good, whether that is to pay a karmic debt, to strengthen me by being challenged or pushed to the limit or to trigger something in someone else (it is truly amazing what friends will do for each other: Richard Bach's novel "Illusions: The Adventures of a Reluctant Messiah" [pub. 1977, ISBN 0-440-20488-7; see, and for more on that author] proposes an interesting, but extreme example of such behaviour; on a more common note, I have had people thank me for something which seems minor to me but is major to them - and I owe others debts for such favours, for instance, the people who introduced me to Lobsang Rampa, sailing and Wicca). In such cases, I am asking that my request to - effectively - have smooth sailing be overridden if I should undergo an unpleasant experience for the ultimate good of myself. You could think of it as something like having to undergo a short term, relatively short (relative being in the view of the soul, not this lifetime) pain for long term good - a bit like the short term discomfort of a massage for long term comfort and health.

(That comment is a bit arguable, if you consider gentle massage techniques like myotherapy [see]. I was originally going to use having shin splints broken off during a sports massage as an example: that was originally described to me [in the 1980s] as overworked muscles trying to stabilise themselves by latching on to nearby bone, and I could feel such attachments on the side of my shin being dislodged when I had my first ever sports massage [after around a dozen years of fairly athletic competition in sailing], and felt a dramatic improvement when I next went for a run. However, when I've tried Wikipedia for a reference, I found a different description [see]; I don't know if that is a cultural variation or not, but I've changed the example anyway.)

Note 4:
If you ask most people who are the most important, supportive people in their life, they'll often go through a bit of a sequence like partner first (that's good, counts as "family"), parents (family again) and maybe other family members (not all families are constructive organisations, however - for instance, some parents are abusive of children, some adult children are abusive of elderly parents, and a number of families have splits of varying severity across various lines). Friends will often get a guernsey - old colloquialism there - sorry :) ; it means, young whippersnappers, that friends will often get the credit they deserve as being important, supportive parts of people's lives. In fact, my initial reaction to someone who doesn't mention friends is that their life may be lacking balance and be unduly focused on family. But important, supportive people go well beyond family and friends: teachers (with apologies to grammar teachers), mentors (I have had several of those, in various fields of life), good bosses (in fact, I'm writing this in the city where I was able to go to while my mother was ill [and for her subsequent death and funeral, and afterwards to help my father get established in his new phase of life] largely because of a good boss), good neighbours, etc can all be important and supportive - one might even find a telling off by a judge or cop when going off the rails is enough to turn some people's lives round and qualify that judge or cop as a "supporting unit".

A "supporting unit" is a person, place or thing that helps one to be all that one can be: I've focused on people, but it could also be music that one finds relaxing (after a stressful time) or reinvigorating (after a tiring time), a special physical, astral or mental place that one goes to, or an organisation where one is learning or being given the opportunity to serve. All of those deserve to be included when you are asking for protection in their own right; more realistically, people tend to get motivated into asking for protection for those who are of significance to them, which means the subtle people, places, energies and things that are supportive of oneself and those one is close to. To take a specific example, if a special mentor gets a great deal of pleasure from a music system, you want that system looked after and kept safe and in good working order as well, so the special mentor can keep doing their special mentoring :)

As I worked through this, I've become aware just how self centred this is, and I will now propose to use a variation to include people who are deserving of protection, even though neither I nor those significant to me may not know them - whether that is someone who is making a special effort, or getting a hard time and deserves a break, or someone else. To do this, I will add the phrase "and others as is for the Highest Spiritual Good".

Right, now for the next essay (this has wound up being juuuust a tad longer than I anticipated :) ).

Note 5:
"And all units that will affect or be affected by us" came originally out of refining the request for protection for a circle where specific work was being done: it is a way of asking specifically that those one is seeking to help (whether "those" are people, places, things or energies) be given whatever help is necessary, including but not limited to protection (my legal influences are showing!), to enable the help to be as effective as possible.

This request is also extended to those who could interfere with or unduly influence that request. Now, those people are not only people who are evil: in fact, most such influences are perfectly ordinary everyday people. For instance, consider the child who wants a tired parent to give them some attention when it may be that the parent needs sleep now, after which they can give quality time to that child; the child would be a unit who is influencing the parent, if healing and/or help is being sent to them. By making this request, what may happen is that the child may see the parent is desperately tired and say "Mummy/Daddy, you go get some sleep" (such miracles can and do happen). On a slightly harder note, think of someone who does someone unforgivable to you or your family - perhaps harm one of your children, if you have any, or harm a parent or a close friend if you don't have children. Under such circumstances, what tends to happen is that many people want revenge, rather than justice, and that desire can carry through into future lifetimes (see my posts on past life regressions and working with karma as an energy). Now consider the possibility that you may well have done such harm to others (if you can't admit the possibility, you may well be wasting your time reading this blog): you may well have changed from the person you were two hundred or two thousand or twenty thousand years ago when you did that harm, and be perfectly willing to admit you made a mistake, but that grudge and hurt held by your victim could still be restricting you. Under those circumstances, if you are a reasonably evolved person, you generally wish to make up for your past wrongdoing and wish your victim well, but you still want to be able to get on with your life and with making yourself a better person. So, include those people as "units affecting you" and they could well be given enough healing to change their attitude - maybe even enough to acknowledge past reparations you have made in other lives.

I'll finish this with one more example: let's say you forget to properly secure your car's handbrake, and it rolls down the hill and damages the bumper of another car. For the you immediately apologise, loan your car to the "victim" while you arrange and pay for repairs (or hire them another car, if that is on your car insurance or you are rich enough to do so) and make further reparations (e.g., tickets to favourite events). However, the person concerned may be so wrapped up in their car that this isn't enough for them, and they want to keep milking the accident for all it is worth, or maybe they just want to thump you or smash your car because of their problem with anger (remember that, in my opinion, anger is a behaviour, not an emotion). By asking for protection to include "units affecting" you are asking that you be kept safe from such unreasonable, troubled people - and also your family & friends and others of significance to you. Furthermore, the prayer (particularly the modified version) would also include others who are possibly affected by that person - such as their family. If they are behaving this way with you, a complete stranger in this example, they may (it's not guaranteed!) well exhibit such irrational extremism with others as well, including perhaps their children.

Note 6:
Most people interested in metaphysics know about the different levels of reality - physical, etheric, astral (some have a couple of levels here), mental, spiritual and soul (with possibly causal as a further level). We exist on all of these levels: we have an astral body (which leaves the body during sleep and at death, which it survives), an etheric body (which is capable of leaving the body: in my experience, there can be some confusion about whether one is experiencing astral travel or etheric travel). The higher levels of our being are what we interpret as our Higher Self, and at even higher levels, connect us to all of creation. This request is asking that the protection and help be at all levels of our existence: to use an analogy, there's not much point making sure the tyres on a car are safe if the body is going to be allowed to fall apart because of rust.

The request further extends to include all places that all of these units will be, and all times - until the next request for protection has been made. (Perhaps this request would even cover the alley with the cloud of depressive energy I mentioned in Note 1, particularly when combined with what I wrote about in Note 5?)

It goes further to include alternate realities and dimensions, and I refer you to the works by Seth, as channelled by Jane Roberts, to gain an understanding of these.

Note 7:
Out of respect for those who are providing the requested protection, etc, I specify a time. If I don't, I consider that I am being a bit like someone who, say, calls an ambulance officer in for a shift, and then says "now please that shift going for all the rest of eternity". By including a time element, I am - in my case, given my awareness and the way I think and have agreed matters with my guides - demonstrating my awareness that I may be receiving this protection from a range of entities/units.

Links for references made in the text of this post:
- my post on developing psychic strength: Cross-training , persistence, priorities
- M. Scott Peck's "People of the Lie":
- my post on control: Control
- ASPECTS and John Fitzsimons:
- Lobsang Rampa: and
- my post on working with karma as an energy: Workshop on Past Lives - Part 1: working with karm...
- my post on past life regressions: Workshop on Past Lives - Part 2: regressions
- my post on anger being a behaviour, not an emotion: Anger is not an emotion
- levels of existence:
- astral travel: and
- etheric travel: I will have to find this in some of my books: for now, try
- Seth and Jane Roberts: 

Remember: we generally need to be more human being rather than human doing, to mind our Mӕgan, and to acknowledge that all misgendering is an act of active transphobia/transmisia that puts trans+ lives at risk & accept that all insistence on the use of “trans” as a descriptor comes with commensurate use of “cis” as a descriptor to prevent “othering” (just as binary gendered [men’s and women’s] sporting teams are either both given the gender descriptor, or neither).

Copyright © Kayleen White 2007-2024     NO AI   I do not consent to any machine learning aka Artificial Intelligence (AI), generative AI, large language model, machine learning, chatbot, or other automated analysis, generative process, or replication program to reproduce, mimic, remix, summarise, or otherwise  replicate any part of this post or other posts on this blog via any means. Typos may be inserrted deliberately to demonstrate this is not an AI product.     Otherwise, fair and reasonable use is accepted under Creative Commons 4.0 on an Attribution-ShareAlike basis  




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