Wednesday 12 May 2010

Post No. 111 - Working together

I'm a little loathe to write about this topic, but feel I must - I want to make sure the idea is put out into this world before I lose the chance to do so because of accident or psychic interference or something else. Paranoid, I know, but them's the breaks (hey, my blood sugar got a little low, this arvo - OK? :D [1] ).

I want to write about working together: about linking up with, or connecting to, another person, or persons, or place, or thing, and combining one's strengths and abilities. This is a concept that is mentioned in a wide range of places, in a wide ranges of ways - I can't be bothered to dig up too many examples, but I will mention:
(1) Lobsang Rampa [2] mentions, in I forget which book, that a few people joined together in perfect harmony (or maybe it was completely selflessly) can generate enough energy/psychic force/love to change the world for the better; and
(2) I am rereading Stuart Holroyd's brilliant"Briefing for the Landing on the Planet Earth" (now republished as "The Nine: Briefing from Deep Space" [3]), and one of the core messages for the three central characters is that they three, joining together, can have a profound influence on people and world events.

Well, I am well convinced of this because of my personal experiences, including the time I spent working learning, studying, and applying lessons and techniques that are now core to most of what I now attempt to pass on to others) at ASPECTS in the early 1980s. It is, in my opinion, quite possible to have a constructive psychic influence on people, places and happenings both near and far.

So, having got that first point out the way, there are a few others I would like to discuss.

The first is chakras. I written about chakras elsewhere - see here [4], here [5], here, here and here - oops: sorry, one too many "here"s :D [1]. One of the main points I have wanted to make about chakras to date is that they are not a fixed set up: as we evolve, both individually and as a species, our chakras will also develop. (Keep in mind the sceptical view of chakras I've written about as you read this - don't be guilty of blind naivete!) Part of that development is learning to use what you have. Typically, this involves various visualisations [6] to stimulate and "shut down" the various chakras.

One more advanced chakra technique is to project a beam of energy from each chakra, and then allow the energy to form the image of a person (which is termed externalising the chakra). This is something I have only recently started to work with (it is in the Second Degree of the Correllian teaching materials), but am finding it extremely effective and rewarding (but note that I have worked up to this gradually).

Now, one of the techniques I have used to work with chakras is what I would broadly describe as "matching frequencies", attuning or (if my blood sugar was getting a bit dodgy again) harmonising chakras. In this exercise, two (or more - although I've only tried it with two people at the time of writing) people check the "frequency" of each of their chakras, one by one, and the corresponding chakra of the other person, and applies energy to bring the two frequencies together.

So, let's say person A sees person A's solar plexus chakra as yellow (or a corresponding sound, scent or taste), and person B's solar plexus chakra as green (or a corresponding sound, scent or taste): person A could apply what they perceive as blue (or a corresponding sound, scent or taste) to their solar plexus chakra to adjust the frequency to green, so that person A would feel in harmony with person B at the "level" ("frequency", or "sphere of existence") which manifests through the solar plexus chakra (often considered to be emotions, other than selfless love; this chakra is also often associated with the astral body).

In the meantime, person B may go through the same exercise (after person A - otherwise you have the situation where each is chasing after a frequency that is being changed to match their own changing frequency [7]) and add blue (or a corresponding sound, scent or taste) to red (or a corresponding sound, scent or taste) to create a purple (or a corresponding sound, scent or taste) colour so that person B feels they in harmony at that level.

Phew. Sounds complicated - and it does take time the first few times, but, as with most things, practice makes it easier, and it then becomes quicker and has a risk of one or both getting blase or complacent). Of course, if there are physical world clashes or disharmonies between these two people, their perceptions are likely to be so far off that they do not actually succeed in matching chakra frequencies: I've used the technique with lovers and others who are already friends or close friends, NEVER with people I feel uncomfortable with, or not close to. (Obviously you have to check that this feeling is reciprocated: you can only truly do so in an effective way if the other person is in a situation where they genuinely feel they can say no: consider using an intermediary, especially if you are feeling enthusiastic!)

So, having done that, the next step in this technique is to externalise one or more chakras, and then have the personifications blend together. I'm not going to write too much more about ways this can be done at this stage: I don't feel comfortable doing so, but I have got the pressure off by getting the basic concept out there so others can develop, refine and apply it (hopefully use it better than I could).

One thing I will strongly suggest is not combining all (or even most) chakras: the chakras that are left separate can be most useful in making you sure you separate out your energies, and each focus on who you are and ground yourselves back in your own personalities and various bodies. As such, I would particularly suggest that your sacral and base chakras, and crown chakra, be kept out of such exercises, as they are connected with our survival/who you are in the physical, and with your soul.

Also, if you are having particular problems that could affect a particular chakra, DO NOT combine that chakra, or you may pass those energies (think of it as potentially infecting your partner). As an example, if you are emotionally upset or depressed, do not use your solar plexus chakra - especially do not do so if you are angry. If you are either starting or ending a love or intimate relationship, do not involve your heart chakra (the caution in relation to starting such relationships is because the New Relationship Energy could throw others emotional balance out enough to affect free will decisions about relationships they would have made - i.e., they could become involved in something they didn't want).

I wish all who work with this well, but do be cautious. This technique, BTW, is one that will form part of the training I am working on for the Rangers of the Inner Plane.

[1] maybe that should be *slightly manic grin* :)
[2] I do hope everyone notices that there are TWO links there ...
[3] I think this was published in the USA as "Prelude to the Landing on Planet Earth". There are follow ups to this book, apparently, including "The Only Planet of Choice". I have not read any of those, so do not know what they are like I do intend to read them, BTW, but I am wary of Internet purchases by credit card etc. (What's that? Paranoid again? No, me thinks this P word is "Prudent" ... ) One of the main reasons the book is so brilliant is that it is sensibly objective and sceptical - it does not have the religiously rabid pseudo-scepticism of deniers that I have come across, but equally, it does not naively assume all must be so simply because ...
[4] I was tickled pink to find someone had actually forwarded this article on Twitter.
[5] The "push-pull" technique there will also be adapted to the Rangers of the Inner Plane.
[6] I'm not going to go into details of the various techniques here, but I do consider the gradual progression of techniques in the Correllian system to be very effective. A couple of other links I have found interesting of late are here and here.
[7] Chakra tango, anyone?

Love, light, hugs and blessings


This post's photo is from Pambula, on the NSW south coast.






Tags: chakras, energy work, harmony, selflessness, Lobsang Rampa, love, mediumship, ET/UFO/UAP, ASPECTS, frequencies, harmonising, Rangers of the Inner Plane, Stuart Holroyd, visualisation,

First published: Wednesday 12th May, 2010

Last edited: Wednesday 12th May, 2010