About Me

For an interview about some - not all - aspects of my life, see https://gnwmythr.blogspot.com/2020/02/post-no-1505-cross-posting-more-about-me.html

For this blog I am using my spirit or craft name: Gnwmythr, which is pronounced “new-MYTH-ear” – the “w” is pronounced in the Welsh way, as “oo”. Why? Because that
s how it came through, in a dream many years ago – I woke up with the pronunciation, the fact that it started with a “G”, and found a version with a Qabbalistic numerology that suits my tasks in this life and a style that links to some of my heritage - which includes Welsh, Irish, Cornish, Scottish, English, German, Silesian, a dash of Danish :) , and Wiradjuri-Widjabul.
It’s not quite right, actually, but it is key to my spiritual and psychic identity.
And on identity, I identify these days, after many variations, as an “Earth Empath” - I sense energy: earth and nature-based energies, past life energies, the energy of earthbound entities, auras, etc. I use that sensing, and the training and experience I have had since the early 1980s, in a range of ways – which I outlined on the (now discontinued, after I moved into retirement - my day job had left me with no energy/health to continue those) “Offerings” page.
In terms of energy, I have had an awareness of nonphysical energy most of my life. As a child, I would pick up happy rocks, and then, when they wanted to go home or became unhappy, I would take them back to where I had found them. That led to me getting into crystals fairly early on in my development, but in terms of the flow of this post it is significant that even at that relatively tender age I was aware that “everything is really energy”, as I solemnly told my adoptive father one night, and was very strongly inclined towards ritual and exploring spirituality. I would write my own rituals and daily practices to follow, but I had limited examples to base these on – and I wasn’t too happy about the mainstream faith I was raised in, partly because they said animals didn’t have souls, and partly because of some double standards I saw in some of its adherents. So, as I grew, I started to search widely.
Before I go into the spiritual searching I went through at that time, it is perhaps worth a moment to reflect on some of the significant influences I had at that time. For a start, I am adopted, so I have one set of genetic influences, and another set of environmental influences, and am proud of both families. I am also very aware of the influences I have experienced from previous lives - probably two of the most obvious are my affinity to cats, and my love of sailing and just generally being on the water. My connection to cats came, I suspect, from a life in Ancient Egypt as a Priestess of Bast (no-one famous, or even recorded in history), and my love of sailing from several lives as a sailor, including a life in the British Navy in the 1800s (no, I was not at Trafalgar). That life in the British Navy was also particularly useful in introducing more self-discipline into my psyche, and helped to balance out an earlier (definitely not good!) life as a pirate, as well as one as a too-hedonistic poet. In this life, the physical poetry and joy of sailing – particularly the connection with the dynamic aspects of Nature - has helped get me through some very rough times: I consider it has literally saved my life in at least one period (as have my creative interests – sketching and writing).
On other past life matters, I’m also aware that my first life as an engineer – my former day job - was in the ancient Roman Army, and that some key lives along my spiritual path have also included being a Druid and a monk in Tibet (again, no-one famous or recorded in history), and a mother in the USA in a polyamorous relationship who died in childbirth. Of more recent significance, my current partner was my girlfriend when I went out on an experimental submarine just before the First World War, a submarine which then sank, and others in this life have been connected to my most recent previous life, when I was a (successful - not the most successful, mind) German night fighter pilot - for instance, an ex-partner of mine was a crew member on one of the bombers I shot down. I have a particular advantage with knowing about that life, in that I was recognised by one of my former colleagues, who gave me a glider flight in the 1980s. I wasn’t ready to come to terms with that life at that time, so didn’t stay in touch.
In that life, I became a pilot against the wishes of my family, but at the same time I was, to a large extent, going with “the flow” of society. That is why I was later – i.e. in this life - to be so vehemently against the evils of John Howards Prime Ministership, as I could recognise the same sorts of social sheep behaviour as was in Nazi Germany before the Second World War. Howard didnt, of course, cause a war, invade other countries or create a Holocaust, but the social tactics of us-and-them and, above all else, fear, could almost have come straight out of the Nazi manual. (Howard has now been outdone by Dutton.)
There are other things I can recall from other lives - such as my past warrior lives, my many past lives as a mother (it has been ironic, at times, to have someone berating me for not following her views on being a mother when I have more lives in that role than the other person!). It has been quite a journey, and that is a good note to go back to the spiritual searching in this life, particularly that from when I was younger.
Initially I found (re-found, actually) Buddhism – well before it became fashionable, and I found the self-discipline useful, and the emphasis on compassion resonated with me, but, again, as with Christianity, I found its (Western) adherents were sometimes … less than genuine in their commitment to personal change and growth, striking me as more wanting to be different than genuinely committed. I did, however, like the emphasis on ethics (even if I now disagree with some of those ethical values!), and I identified as a Buddhist for several decades (from my teenage years - and had excellent discussions with a former colleague from Thailand who had spent six months as a monk).
That interest in Buddhism led me to the controversial writings of Lobsang Rampa, an author who I consider to have considerable metaphysical knowledge, but MAJOR flaws around same sex and feminist issues. Nevertheless, Rampas books had a major influence on my psychic and personal development (which just goes to show the value of not necessarily accepting everything from any one source, without discarding everything because of a few flaws - in other words: think critically and objectively for yourself about everything). For more on Rampa, see here, here, and here.
The Yi Jing (formerly known as the I Ching) and Qabbalah were also influences from this early time in this life.
Subsequently, in the early 1980s I moved back from Queensland to Victoria, and began my training in earnest.
Incidentally, I consider that the physical moves in my life have been important, although I don’t think I fully understand all the details of this as yet. For instance, moving down to Melbourne when I was a baby (apparently my first flight was in the back of a DC3 when I was just a few months old) led to a love of cold weather, but moving back to Queensland helped me break free of city-only viewpoints (as did many of my relatives - from both families) and helped me develop my heavy weather sailing expertise (my experience competing in sailing at the Sydney Gay games suggests I am just in the top third of sailors on a worldwide basis generally, but better ranked when sailing in decent sized waves [anything up to 20’ will do me :) ] and strong winds [up to 40 knots is OK, 50 knots at a stretch … all in plywood dinghies and small boats, of course :) ).
When I made that move back to Melbourne, I explored New Age groups, spiritualism and what was termed shamanism, and started doing spirit rescues and channelled energy healing. Since then I have run a few healing and development groups, various workshops on past life regressions, crystals and other topics – including, since the mid-90s, studying runes intensively under the guidance of a Rune Master who is both greatly skilled and a great friend. I consider the work I did with rescue (as one of several trance mediums working with crystals up to 55 kg in size) was important, and I am of the view that it helped to change the world at that time. I judge my spiritual accomplishments since then against that, and have to say I consider everything I’ve done since then to be lacking – with the possible exception of the human rights lobbying I’ve done, mainly that in the 90s locally to change anti-discrimination law.
Going back to the time of my return to Melbourne, I at that time left engineering, swearing never to do that work again, but wound up back in that field after 15 months when I was low on money and not earning much through massage - and nothing at all from my hoped for career of writing. I have experienced some atrocious – utterly appalling - behaviour through engineering. That, and being a member of several minority groups, has enabled me to get a good view of society’s underbelly, and has been a key influence on my human rights and spiritual work. On the other hand, engineering has given the opportunity to contribute to public health and reduce environmental impact, and to develop and refine my thinking, organising and teaching abilities – and provide an outlet for my innovative streak (which mean spirited profit drives actively hindered).
On unpleasant things, I’ve had quite a bit of experience, unfortunately, with receiving psychic attack. The first major attack happened when I was still in Queensland, but I knew enough from my Qabbalistic studies to defend myself (and stayed friends with the person concerned: he didn’t know consciously what he had done, and was “just” acting out of jealousy). Sadly, my experience of receiving psychic attack has increased since I moved to the inner northern suburbs of Melbourne, and that has done nothing to make the torment of city living any easier.
In the early 90s, when I had moved to Frankston in order to take over a healing group, I started performing full moon rituals with some friends – using quite an eclectic mix of Qabbalah, shamanism and the very little I then knew of Wicca. In 2003, I attended the National Queer Spirituality Conference in Adelaide, South Australia (I am a [trans] lesbian), and came across the Goddess and Wicca in a serious, credible way. After the Conference, I found the no longer operating Witches Voice website, and a local Wiccan Temple, and began my studies. Subsequently, I have explored other Pagan paths, including Druidry and Norse/German paganism and it was after attending the 2009 Parliament of World Religions in Melbourne that I decided the best way to identify myself was “pagan energy psychic”.
That is not something that one can get, as far as I am aware, a qualification for :) . I am, however, an initiated First Degree Priestess of one Wiccan tradition (initiated before the tradition split in two), and Third Degree and Elder in another (which I wound up over some concerns, so it no longer exists), but I have no particular framed certificates on the wall. If you want to see such, you will have to go elsewhere :) 
(Possibly try the Pagan Awareness Network, PAN for short, for people who might have certificates on their walls.)
My main activity since commencing this blog has been my psychic weather reports, where I determine (by dowsing) the state of balanced positive (BPM, or good) energies and unbalanced (nonBPM, or bad) energies around the globe, and suggest a plan of meditation to generate/direct/clear  energies/units to attempt to improve the worlds state of being.
This is based on quite a few things, including the Cure Violence concept, which proposes treating physical world violence as disease epidemics are, and the balanced positive and meditation-to-guide-energy approaches described in Briefing for the Landing on Planet Earth .
I’m still learning in all areas of my life - my most recent lesson is that I should have planned for a way to be able to take life easier as I aged and my health started failing :)
I am also learning about my Indigenous heritage (a grandmother in my birth family - who I never met - who was a Wiradjuri and Widjabul woman, and an artist of some renown), and that I am neurodivergent.
Also, my near lifelong work as a healer and advocate for nonphysical health, strength, and wellbeing is continuing, and, now that I have retired from my day job, may increase as I recover from half a century in the corporate world
I am trying to pass on what I know through this blog, with the ultimate audience being myself in future lives ...
In the meantime, there is still plenty of spiritual work - including teaching and healing - to be done in the inner northern suburbs of Naarm (aka Melbourne), in Bandaiyan (Australia)
As a final point, I am starting to write a few more reflective pieces on my life, and will try to remember to use the about me label (which is Bloggers version of hashtags).  

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Remember: we generally need to be more human being rather than human doing, to mind our Mӕgan, and to acknowledge that all misgendering is an act of active transphobia/transmisia that puts trans+ lives at risk & accept that all insistence on the use of “trans” as a descriptor comes with commensurate use of “cis” as a descriptor to prevent “othering” (just as binary gendered [men’s and women’s] sporting teams are either both given the gender descriptor, or neither).  
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